應屆畢業生如有紙本學位論文延後公開之需求,請登入「紙本論文延後公開申請系統」填寫資料,並線上列印2份申請書、佐附相關證明文件,依申請書所示順序核章後,分別夾附交至「系辦」與「圖書館」的紙本論文內(勿與論文裝訂、勿附於電子論文內)。 列印2張申請書並佐附證明文件(2份) 依序核章完畢後,分別夾附至「系辦」與「圖書館」的紙本論文內 |
線上填表 步驟 Step 1-3 Fill out the application form online
證明文件須連同申請書,提供給系所/各單位核章 The supporting document must be reviewed and stamped with your application form
涉及機密(含期刊投稿) | 年限Max years | 證明文件與簽章 Supporting documents (以下範例僅供參考 You may refer to the following example format ) |
準備論文投稿(無投稿稿件編號) |
2 |
檢具投稿稿件題目、中/英文摘要、與致投稿期刊之投稿意願的簡要說明信函。Title, abstract, and cover letter for journal submission.Plan for journal submission範例 Example |
論文投稿中或是已被接受(已有投稿稿件編號) |
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檢具論文投稿稿件編號 (manuscript ID) Manuscript ID for paper submission, manuscript ID 範例 Example |
保密協定 |
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檢具涉及機密的依據,例如:產學合作案保密協定、研發成果保密合約或其他機密條款等內容(影本加上簽章資料) 。 Copy of the confidentiality agreement,Confidentiality contract,Industrial-Academic Collaboration Project Agreement etc.document.Agreement範例01 Example、 Agreement範例02 Example (本校產學合作計畫暨技術授權合約書) |
申請專利 Patent application | 年限Max years | 證明文件與簽章 Supporting documents |
準備專利申請(無專利申請案號) Prepare patent application (not have application number) |
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檢具專利申請題目、中英文摘要、創新內容的簡要說明信函。或臺灣科技大學專利申請揭露書(Information Disclosure Statement)(若僅有本校技轉中心案號只能2年,要有申請號或是專利號才是5年)。 Title of planned patent application, summary and novelty of the present invention.Prepare patent application範例 Example |
專利申請中(已有專利申請案號) |
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擷取〈經濟部智慧財產局〉或是〈本校專利商品網站〉〈他國專利或商標局〉 提供之專利案件資訊,【專利申請案號】之畫面。Invention patent application or Certification document and includes the Patent Application No.patent registration範例 Example |
依法不得提供Withheld according to the law | 年限Max years |
證明文件與簽章 Supporting documents |
依法不得提供Withheld according to the law |
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提供法源依據。Sources of law. |
★紙本論文延後公開不論年限,皆須經系所核章,並檢附相關證明文件。學生應據實填寫相關資料,如簽名不全或資料不齊恕不受理。 Incomplete or unsigned documents will not be accepted. Please make sure all fields have been correctly filled and signed. ★本校學位論文公開年限係依「數位化學位論文蒐集辦法」第四條辦理,此法於111.10.18第613次行政會議修正通過,自111-2學期起實施。 ★此申請單延後公開物件為本校圖書館紙本論文、國圖紙本論文與獨立調閱系統 The NTUST Library no longer accepts handwritten application forms for previous editions. Embargo of NTUST Library and NCL Library printed copy & NCL Library the independent viewing equipment. |